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NOLL/SOLL  >   2001 Sr American  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Reds 5 at Mets 1
Team Pages
Scheduled 6/3/2001 9:00a Reds
Location Bushrod 1 Mets
Game Type Normal
Game Summary In a game they needed to win, the Reds locked up 5th place and avoided the play-in round by shutting down the Mets at Bushrod Field. Lucas F. was dominating on the mound for the Reds, allowing only 1 unearned run in 6 2/3 innings. Hamlet O. had two key hits, Matt C. had a big RBI double, and Kevin R. and Lucas F. also helped the Reds scratch out some runs. Catcher Matt T. threw out two more would-be base stealers to help stifle the Mets offense.