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North Texas Interlock  >   2005 Fall NTI 13U  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Denton Vipers 13U 14 at Denton Desperados 9
Team Pages
Scheduled 10/15/2005 11:00a Denton Vipers 13U
Location Mack 1 Denton Desperados
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Denton Desperados Notes:
No notes

Denton Vipers 13U Notes:
Viper bats wake up and Deperado pitching breaks down. The Vipers take the rubber match against the Denton rivals. Good job by Aaron in leftfield. Mark was on base 3 times and drove in 2 runs with the bases loaded. Bryse was solid as catcher stuffing out a Desperado runner at home and fielding bunts for put outs.