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North Texas Interlock  >   2005 Fall NTI 13U  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Highland Village Storm 5 at Denton Vipers 13U 7
Team Pages
Scheduled 9/24/2005 1:00p Highland Village Storm
Location Mack 1 Denton Vipers 13U
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Denton Vipers 13U Notes:
Andrew pitched well and the Viper bats exploded early to push back the Storm. The Storm came back to threaten, but just as the winds of Hurricane Rita failed to produce any rain over Mack Park, the Storm was calmed and the Vipers came away with their 4th straight victory of the Fall NTI season. Toi, Daniel and Bryse had good hits to push across needed runs against the Storm's ace pitcher.

Highland Village Storm Notes:
No notes