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North Texas Interlock  >   2005 Fall NTI 13U  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Denton Vipers 13U 15 at Flower Mound Crush 8
Team Pages
Scheduled 9/22/2005 6:00p Denton Vipers 13U
Location Bakersfield 8 Flower Mound Crush
ReScheduled 10/4/2005 6:00p
ReSched Location Bakersfield 8
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Flower Mound Crush Notes:
No notes

Denton Vipers 13U Notes:
The Vipers returned to Bakersfield to play on the even larger expanse of F8 against the 2nd place Crush. This was the rubber match for control of fall NTI baseball. Richard returned for a couple of innings to keep the Crush at bay then turned the pitching duties over to Andrew who kept the powerful Crush batters quiet. The Viper bats were patient and explosive to ring up enough runs to help the Vipers win two in a row against a worthy Crush team.