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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 Sr American  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Astros 5 at Rockies 3
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/9/2004 4:00p Astros
Location Bushrod 1 Rockies
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Jamel Demir
Base Ump 1: Clinton Calhoun Jr.
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Rockies Notes:
No notes

Astros Notes:
In a much anticipated game that featured the top two teams in the league, the Astros and Rockies delivered a classic that featured 2 squads playing at the top of their game. Astros hurler Bryce and Rockies ace Mike went at it nearly pitch for pitch, as both pitchers managed to befuddle the potent bats in both dugouts. The Astros struck early, as Spencer ripped a shot to left center scoring DK from 2nd base. The Rockies tied the score in the 3rd, and the Astros quickly got back to work, adding 2 more runs thanks to the bat of Bryce who delivered a 2 RBI base hit, and then he went about the work of holding on. But the Rockies would not go quietly, and they added two runs of their own in the 5th. Spencer took over mound duties in the 6th and wiggled his way out of trouble with out allowing a run, and then in the top half of the 7th, he delivered a single that dropped just in front of the hard charging centerfielder that score Kani from second. Bryce then added his 3rd RBI with a single scoring Spencer. But as expected, the Rockies were not ready to go home, and after Spencer got 2 quick outs, Rockies star Mike W., who went 3 for 3 on the day, reached safely, and that brought the tying run to the plate. Extra innings loomed, but Wood steadied himself, and then induced an infield grounder to end the game.