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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 AAA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Devil Rays  8 at RiverCats  12
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/22/2004 3:30p Devil Rays 
Location Back Caldecott RiverCats 
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Steven Douglas
Base Ump 1: wayne pickrell
Game Summary River Cats 12, Devil Rays 8
Caldecott, 05/22/04, 3.30 pm ...

The River Cats won a tough 12-8 contest with the Devil Rays. The River Cats jumped out to a 7-1 lead after 2 innings. Fueled by a 4 run third, the Devil Rays worked their way back to take an 8-7 lead in the top of the fifth. The River Cats then posted five runs in their half of the fifth, and closed out a scoreless top of the sixth. Devin K. pitched three strong innings for the River Cats, striking out six, and Evan W. pitched two innings for 5 strikeouts, including striking out the side in the scoreless sixth. After taking over on the mound during the second, Max R. pitched scoreless innings in the third and fourth to allow the Devil Rays to come back. For the Devil Rays offense, Gabe M., Eddie S. and Myles I. were all 2-3. Timmy E C and Sergio K. went 2-3 for the River Cats, and Luke B. sparked the fifth inning 5-run comeback by leading off with a well-hit single to center field