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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 AAA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Dragons 18 at Sugar Kings  13
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/1/2004 9:30a Dragons
Location OAB-2 Sugar Kings 
ReScheduled 5/2/2004 12:30p
ReSched Location Back Caldecott
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Tom Turner
Base Ump 1: Seth Benson
Game Summary Dragons 18, Sugar Kings 13

In a high-scoring game where every at bat seemed to go to a full count, a number of walks were cashed in by big hits on both sides. The Dragons, staked to five runs in the first, couldn’t hold the lead. Gabriel D’A shut down the Dragons after the original outburst, holding them to only one run in his three inning stint on the mound. A bases loaded triple by Jared S capped a seven run third for the Sugar Kings, leaving the Dragons down twelve to six at the end of three. But even with all the scoring the difference in the game came down to defense and pitching. Though the Dragons defense was bending, their will did not break. The Dragons catchers picked off four base runners. Jack C threw out three. Christian C-B and Jack C held the Sugar Kings to one run over the last three, striking out seven. The Dragons worked themselves back into the game, plating four in the fourth and one in the fifth. Logan F's double in the top of the sixth brought in two to take the lead.