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NOLL/SOLL  >   2003 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Giants 2 at Yankees 8
Team Pages
Scheduled 3/30/2003 12:30p Giants
Location OAB-2 Yankees
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Yankees 8, Giants 2

Matt B. took the hill and notched his second win of the season (4 innings, no runs, 1 hit, 7 Ks, 2 bb). Eric S. and Cameron C. made their Yankee pitching debuts in relief and held the Giants offense in check. Alan Banks was the offensive MVP (3 for 3, 3 rbis) and Eric, Cameron, Matt K. and Yogi V. also hit well. Ted S. was the defensive MVP with an over the shoulder falling catch and bullet throw to 3 base to catch a Giant runner for a double play.

For the Giants, James G. went the distance and Jonathan C. and Brandon C. provided the offensive firepower.