NOLL/SOLL  >   2003 Sr American  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Reds 11 at Paw Sox 5
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/24/2003 9:00a Reds
Location Front Caldecott Paw Sox
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Paw Sox Notes:
The PAWSOX 'had fun' in their 11-5 loss to the REDS. The PAWSOX used 5 pitchers, four of whom had not pitched this year and one who pitched 2 innings. Those pitchers were: Andres R, Phat L, Jordan B, Michael T and the irrespresible Mario H. Also making their debuts behind the plate were Jordan R and Timmy R. Jordan B provided the biggest jolt for the PAWSOX when he connected for a mamouth 2 run homer.

Reds Notes:
The Reds collected their 10th victory behind the pitching of Jon C. and Michael T. A combination of walks and timely hits from Jon, Michael, Wesley GL, Z man, and Kieran C allowed the Reds to scratch out an early lead and stay in front of the Paw Sox. The Pow Sox received offensive support from Tim R., Jordan R., and Big Man Jordan B., who blasted a 2 out 2 run homer in the last inning.