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NOLL/SOLL  >   2022 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Orioles 7 at Giants 8
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/8/2022 4:00p Orioles
Location GoldenGateAcad (No Sat games) Giants
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Giants Notes:
The Giants got another taste of free baseball when they ended the 6th inning in a 7-7 tie with the Orioles. Javi lead the charge on the mound for the Giants, throwing 3 shutout innings to start the game as the Giants jumped to a 4-0 lead. The O's battled back with a huge 6-run inning in the 4th before Henry came in from the bullpen (aka 3B) with 2 on and 1 out to stop the bleeding. Henry stayed on the mound for the rest of the game through an extra inning to earn the win.

The Giants pitchers were helped out with moments of brilliance behind them. Jonny caught a daring O's runner napping with a backpick to first in the 5th. Eddie busted out from second base to track down a shallow pop-up in CF for an unbelievable over the head catch in the 6th. Owen Lucas and Jonny connected for a run-saving relay play from CF home to throw out a runner on a close play at the plate in the 6th. And Lucas made a diving catch at SS to end the top of the 7th.

Offensively, Jon and Lucas both crushed multi-base hits. Henry and Owen hit timely singles. And Javi slapped 3 singles up the middle, including a 2-out single that brought high octane Dylan home from 2B for the electrifying walk-off.

Orioles Notes:
No notes

Pitcher Stats
Giants Pitchers GPPPIIPPC
Javier F 1 17.67 3.00 53
Ellis R 1 87.88 0.33 29
Henry S 1 13.66 3.66 50
Giants Totals:  3 6.99 132
Orioles Pitchers GPPPIIPPC
Sinjin A 1 16.50 2.00 33
Nikhil B 1 12.00 1.00 12
Thomas B 1 24.00 1.00 24
Makoto W 1 22.18 2.66 59
Orioles Totals:  4 6.66 128