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Heritage Soccer Club  >   2002 Strikers u11g  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Mavericks 1 at Heritage Strikers 2
Team Pages
Scheduled 10/12/2002 8:30a Mavericks
Location Tesoro Fields 1 and 2 Heritage Strikers
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The Heritage Strikers Under 11 girls continued their winning ways on Saturday with a 2-1 victory over a tough Mavericks team. Strikers opened up with some enterprising soccer but were unable to turn the offensive pressure into goals until the latter part of the first half. An attack down the left hand side by Camille Romeo lead to a beautifully delivered pass for Tera Pischerio to open the scoring and continue her run of scoring goals on a regular basis. While the goal itself was well executed it was the reaction of Tera and her teammates immediately going to Camille to acknowledge her assist that pleased this coach. A second goal came quickly afterwards with another attack down the left which lead to a scramble near the goal and with the ever present Shoshana Wangerin striking the ball home. The second half saw the Strikers lay siege to the Mavericks goal without ever finding a way to increase their goal tally. Then with little or no time left Mavericks key player made a break on the right and hit an unstoppable shot to break the shut out and end the game. A good victory and a key weekend lays ahead in terms of trying to complete the undefeated streak going.

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