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NOLL/SOLL  >   2017 Intermediates  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result A's 13 at Cubs 0
Team Pages
Scheduled 3/25/2017 10:00a A's
Location Montera MS Cubs
ReScheduled 5/14/2017 1:00p
ReSched Location Montera MS
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Leroy Yau
Base Ump 1: Murali Moorthy
Game Summary orig ump Weismann
orig plate ump Kalen Windels had stomach flu this week.
orig field ump Scott Nelson Windels had stomach flu also.
Team Summaries Cubs Notes:
The Cubs seemed determined to get this game over as quickly as possible so that families could go back to their Mother's Day plans...

Sir Squishy went to Scuba for a memorable inning ending 3-4U-2 double play with a strong scoop and tag by Twig at the plate to finish that particular sequence.

A's Notes:
No notes

Pitcher Stats
A's Pitchers GPIPPCPPI
JJ S 1 3.00 38 12.67
Adam W 1 1.00 15 15.00
A's Totals:  2 4 53
Cubs Pitchers GPIPPCPPI
eli H 1 1.00 16 16.00
rafi L 1 1.00 12 12.00
Marco M 1 1.00 21 21.00
Walker T 1 0.66 14 21.21
Gil'i Z 1 1.00 20 20.00
Cubs Totals:  5 4.66 83