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Albany Little League  >   2016 Intermediate  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Wildcats 4 at Sun Devils 5
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/28/2016 3:00p Wildcats
Location Ocean View Park Sun Devils
Game Type Playoff
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Sun Devils Notes:
What a game!!! Great pitching and top notch defense led to a fast-paced, exciting afternoon of epic LL baseball.

Even though the pitchers dominated, there were key hits from both sides.
- Alex C-S and Maggie knocked in the first three 'Cat runs in the 4th
- a hard hit ground rule double from Braden brought the Devils all the way back to tie in the 7th
- the 'Cats defense held firm in spite of the Devil's getting runners in scoring position in the 10th, 11th, 12th
- in the bottom of the 13th, Braden led off with a hard hit that got through the infield, stole second, and then after Sam walked, Matt M came through with hard hit up the middle that scored Braden with the walk-off run.

Very cool to see all the smiles from both teams - everyone knew they'd been a part of something special.

Quick side note - the bench guys on both teams had some outstanding work reinforcing superstitions and lucky charms as the game rolled on. No doubt that's what kept things so tight!!!

Pitching Wildcats
Ben P 79 (7Ks, 1 unearned run in 5 innings)
Benny P-B 86 (7Ks, 0 runs over 5 2/3 innings in 2 stints)
Ryan R 33
Oliver 21

Pitching Sun Devils
Asa S 70 (3 shutout innings, before spotty d-fens in 4th)
Miles A 15
Quinten 85 (7Ks, O runs in 5 inn., incl. 3 Ks in the 11th)
Sam O 29 (two stellar innings for the W)

Wildcats Notes:
No notes