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Texas Elite Baseball Association (TEBA)  >   Spring 2016 - 12U  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result HVA Storm - Nokes 7 at Southlake Dragons - Smith 4
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/17/2016 1:00p HVA Storm - Nokes
Location Bicentennial Park 6 Southlake Dragons - Smith
ReScheduled 4/23/2016 10:00a
ReSched Location Bicentennial Park 5
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Chad Bedwell
12:22 PM (20 hours ago)

to sched12u
Please make up the following game:

April 17 - HVA Storm Nokes vs Southlake Dragons - Smith BCP 6 1 and 3 pm


April 23 - BCP Field 5 - 10 am and 12 pm
