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NOLL/SOLL  >   2015 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Nationals 6 at A's 9
Team Pages
Scheduled 3/1/2015 3:00p Nationals
Location Chabot A's
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Cliff Baker
Base Ump 1: Scott Stratman
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries A's Notes:
Wow that was a great way to start the season. The boys showed up and played hard. Harper gave us 4 shutout innings, Isaac and Zach finished it out with 2 good innings.

The ball was flying all over the field with a beautiful double by Saef and a solid line drive by Brandon. Julian G had a nice bouncer up the middle and coleman added a nice line drive to score a run.

Defense was superb with a fantastic running catch by Ian that even had the home plate umpire asking if he caught it. Will was solid at first and Robert stepped up by catching the whole game and threw out 1 runner.

Nationals Notes:
No notes

Pitcher Stats
A's Pitchers PPIGPIPPC
Harper E 13.25 1 4.00 53
Zachary L 30.30 1 0.33 10
Isaac L 21.69 1 1.66 36
Nationals Pitchers PPIGPIPPC
Naeem B 22.00 1 2.00 44
Blaine F 22.00 1 1.00 22
JJ S 32.00 1 2.00 64