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Heritage Soccer Club  >   2002 Strikers u11g  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Heritage Strikers 1 at Arsenal 0
Team Pages
Scheduled 9/7/2002 3:00p Heritage Strikers
Location Benicia Arsenal
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The Under 11 Strikers opened up their league campaign away at Benicia. The
team played very well and thoroughly deserved a
1-0 victory. Despite winning by only one goal, Heritage was in command of
the game through out. We created numerous scoring opportunities in the
half before a clever play on the wing by Jennel Anderson created an opening
for Shoshana Wangerin who crushed home a first time shot for the score. The
defense played exceedingly well and stood firm in the second half when the
team tired. Kaitlin Dick and Julia Harrigan in their debut in the center of
defense were first class. While the entire team played very well the
tackling and effort of Brianna Rodrigues should be noted. Although
victorious the girls learned that you have to put your opponent away when
you have the opportunity and I hope we have learned that lesson as we face
two tough teams this weekend.

Coach Beege

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