Chartiers Valley Youth Basketball  >     >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Peters Red 44 at West Allegheny Grey 22
Team Pages
Scheduled 12/13/2014 4:00p Peters Red
Location West Allegheny High School West Allegheny Grey
ReScheduled 1/15/2015 7:00p
ReSched Location West Allegheny Middle School
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Brian, 5th Grade Boys - WA Grey versus Peters Twp Red - Thursday January 15th at 7:00 pm at WA Middle School.

Please confirm receipt. Thank you, Joe Pustover

CVYBA, The game scheduled for 5th Grade boys between WA Grey and Peters Township on Saturday December 13th needs to be rescheduled.. I send an email about 10 day ago, but I still see it on the schedule. I will let you know whenever we get this rescheduled. I have contacted the Peters Coach.

Thank you,

Joe Pustover
WA 5 Grade Boys Grey