Chartiers Valley Youth Basketball  >     >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Baldwin White 8 at Mount Lebanon Blue 27
Team Pages
Scheduled 1/3/2015 1:00p Baldwin White
Location Mt. Lebanon High School A-100 Mount Lebanon Blue
ReScheduled 2/3/2015 6:15p
ReSched Location Jefferson MS
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The game that was canceled between the two teams referenced above, that was to be played on Jan. 3rd, will now be played on Feb. 3rd at 6:15 at Jefferson Middle School in Lebo.

Kate Murdoch

Hi Kathryn,

I am the coach of Baldwin White 5th grade and we have a game scheduled for Jan. 3rd at 1:00. I was wondering if we could reschedule this game. Since this is a holiday break, most of my girls will be unavailable, plus I will be recovering from surgery.
If this is ok, just send me new dates to reschedule since this is a game at your home courts. Sorry about the late notice, but I honestly just noticed this game.
I will appreciate it.

Tracy Fox