
Chartiers Valley Youth Basketball  >     >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result North Allegheny 53 at Peters Red 26
Team Pages
Scheduled 11/9/2014 5:00p North Allegheny
Location Peters MS Peters Red
ReScheduled 2/7/2015 5:15p
ReSched Location Peters Community Rec Center
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Postponed by NA


Please note that the 8th Grade Peters Girls Team is cancelling its game with West Allegheny scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 15th at 7:30 pm. The plan is for this game to be rescheduled on either Feb. 7th or 8th once the gym schedule is available. Also, this is a reminder that the Peters Twp. 8th Grade girls will play Saturday, 1/24 at 430 at Peters Twp. Middle School for a Make Up Game versus North Allegheny in the CV League.


Jeffrey A. Mills, Esq.
Linda ask for this game to be rescheduled.