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NOLL/SOLL  >   2014 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Tigers 3 at Blue Jays 6
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/9/2014 5:00p Tigers
Location Chabot Blue Jays
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Anthony Fenner
Base Ump 1: David Reno
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Blue Jays Notes:
Good tight ballgame, well played by both teams
Holden Smith gave us three strong innings and hit his second home run of the year. Benji Carrere had two hits and pitched a valuable inning and two thirds. Paul Hoseman and Coleman Ouiment each collected their first hits of the year.
Sam Nelson shut the door in the last inning while also collecting some big hits.

Tigers Notes:
The Tigers played a great game but fell a little short. Miles Hickey and Elliot Vaughn combined to pitch 5 great innings.

Pitcher Stats
Blue Jays Pitchers GPIPPCPPI
Benjamin C 1 1.66 33 19.88
Samuel N 1 1.33 20 15.04
Holden S 1 3.00 63 21.00
Blue Jays Totals:  3 5.99 116
Tigers Pitchers GPIPPCPPI
Miles H 1 3.00 65 21.67
Elliot V 1 2.00 46 23.00
Tigers Totals:  2 5 111