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NOLL/SOLL  >   2014 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Blue Jays 14 at Tigers 1
Team Pages
Scheduled 3/30/2014 9:30a Blue Jays
Location Bushrod 2 Tigers
ReScheduled 4/4/2014 5:00p
ReSched Location Chabot
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Michael Matta
Base Ump 1: James Smith
Game Summary orig umps: CBaker, LYoung
Team Summaries Tigers Notes:
No notes

Blue Jays Notes:
Most things went the Jays' way tonight in route to their first win of the season.
Holden Smith had a terrific game. He used 53 pitches to get thru 4 innings, while going 2-4 at the plate with a home run over the left field fence.

Sam Nelson and Benji Carrere also had two hits a piece for the Jays
The rest of the pitching was handled by Carrere and Zack Kirchstetter, who both did well.

Pitcher Stats
Blue Jays Pitchers GPIPPCPPI
Benjamin C 1 1.00 11 11.00
Zachary K 1 1.00 18 18.00
Holden S 1 4.00 53 13.25
Blue Jays Totals:  3 6 82
Tigers Pitchers GPIPPCPPI
Ezra F 1 2.00 30 15.00
Miles H 1 1.00 5 5.00
Zack S 1 1.00 28 28.00
Teo S 1 2.00 44 22.00
Tigers Totals:  4 6 107