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NOLL/SOLL  >   2014 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Giants 4 at Nationals 8
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/4/2014 3:30p Giants
Location Chabot Nationals
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Michael Matta
Base Ump 1: Raymond Graham
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Nationals Notes:
The Nationals pitches gave up just one earned run and held off late rallies from the Giants to win 8-4. Hugo May struck out six, while going 2-2 at the plate with a run and an RBI. Teo von elgg pitched an inning, was perfect at the plate with a bunt and two walks, and turned two double plays. Darius Zucker walked, singled and scored twice. Will Herbert pitched two innings and had a deep sacrifice fly at the plate.

Giants Notes:
No notes

Pitcher Stats
Giants Pitchers GPIPPCPPI
Miles D 1 2.00 47 23.50
Lanie G 1 1.00 22 22.00
Ethan S 1 2.00 38 19.00
Giants Totals:  3 5 107
Nationals Pitchers GPIPPCPPI
Will H 1 2.00 30 15.00
Hugo M 1 2.66 33 12.41
Teo V 1 1.00 20 20.00
Leroy Y 1 0.33 24 72.73
Nationals Totals:  4 5.99 107