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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Orioles 5 at Rangers 6
(Extra Innings) Team Pages
Scheduled 6/9/2002 1:00p Orioles
Location GoldenGateAcad (No Sat games) Rangers
Game Type Playoff
Game Summary In an epic nine-inning battle of attrition played under the hot sun at Holy Names, both teams left it all on the field as the Rangers outlasted the Orioles in a thrilling second round playoff game. The Rangers stranded 14 base runners in the first 8 innings, but AlexR' hard grounder with the bases loaded and 2 outs finally allowed the winning run to score in the bottom of the ninth. Uncharacteristically, the Rangers
gave up 4 unearned runs in the second, as the Orioles took a 4-1 lead. MichaelM went the first three innings on the mound for the Rangers. The Rangers plated 2 in the 3rd and 2 in the 5th to take a 5-4 lead, but with two outs in the top of the sixth, WillyE knocked in the tying run for the Orioles. Ranger stallwart DerrickM tossed 6 clutch innings, allowing only 1 run, and none in the 3 extra frames, for the win. On offense, MichaelM walked 4 times and scored twice, ElliotG went 2 for 3 with a double, walk, run, and 2 RBI's, and JacobC got a double, walk, run, and RBI. ElliotG's glove work at second was superb, and AlexR gunned down a runner at the plate from center.The Orioles got a gutsy pitching performance by SeanB, who also added two hits. A fine running catch in deep left by AndresR in the third left the bases loaded. The O's held the lead until the fifth when the Rangers surged ahead 5-4. With one out and the bases loaded, WillyE relieved SeanB. In a brilliant all-around performance, WillyE retired the next two batters, and then, went on to pitch 5 1/3 of scoreless one-hit, one-walk ball, thwarting the Rangers with his glove as well as his arm. Meanwhile, DerrickM of the Rangers matched him out for out. But a series of defensive miscues loaded the bases for the Rangers in the bottom of the ninth, and the winning run scored on a hard to handle shot to the right side.