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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Orioles 18 at Angels 2
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Scheduled 6/8/2002 9:00a Orioles
Location Chabot Angels
Game Type Playoff
Game Summary In a dominating performance the Orioles put it all together and won a first round playoff game in convincing fashion, scoring in every inning. Ace BryceC tossed a masterful complete game three-hitter, walking two, striking out seven, and helping his own cause with three doubles. The O's bats were on fire, lashing out for 16 hits. LawrenceD led the hit parade with a perfect 5/5 and 4 RBIs. Aggressive baserunning paved the way for the O's, and the defense was equally effective, stopping the Angels cold with a seamless infield and a diving catch in right by MacM. For the Angels, on a day that belonged to the Orioles, ZaneK,MichaelB and ScottC hit the ball hard, but unfortunately more often than not, right at an Oriole. PatrickF made a fine throw home for a force out in the second inning to help keep the game(temporarily) close.