Ashburn Inline Hockey  >   Spring 2012-Bantam U-14  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result B2 - Grantz at B3 - Jennings  (score not yet posted)
(Rainout) Team Pages
Scheduled 4/22/2012 9:00a B2 - Grantz
Location A) Trail Side Park B3 - Jennings
ReScheduled Rescheduled Date/Time Unknown
ReSched Location B) Dulles Sportsplex
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Ref1: Kyle Carlson
Ref2: Gabe Begun
Game Summary Due to previously scheduled all day event at DSP. Our AIHI schedule was incorrect, sorry for any inconvenience. Please note the time one hour earlier at 9AM.

4/22 Rained Out - Rain Date TBD

Player Stats
Player GPPtsAGPenPIMHatPMkr
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