Central Loudoun Basketball League (CLBL)  >   2014-15 League Commissioners  >   Evaluation

CLBL Mid-year Coaching Evaluation for the 2014-2015 Season
The following contact info questions are optional
Please provide feedback regarding your experience and your player's experience during the 2014-2015 CLBL basketball season so far with your coach and the league.

The results of this mid-year survey will be used by the CLBL Board to help continue the development of our volunteer coaches. We take pride in the quality of our league and are always looking to improve. Your input on what is working and what can be improved is an important tool in this development.

Please take the time to complete the survey and add constructive comments below. We ask for your feedback by December 31, 2014. Thank you.
Q1. Name of your coach and league (e.g. G5 John Smith)
Disagree Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly
Q2. Your coach shows and teaches Positive Coaching values.
Q3. Your coach understands CLBL rules and the rules of basketball.
Q4. Your coach understands and teaches basketball fundamentals
Q5. Your coach runs a structured practice and utilizes time properly
Q6. Your coach communicates to the team and families effectively.
Q7. You would want your child to have this coach again next season.
Q8. Please provide specific feedback on any responses above.