GVRD  >   Men's Spring Softball 2002  >   Schedule

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Date Time   Teams   Location
Mon 4/22/2002 7:35p   Word of Faith 8 at Stars Sound Bad Boys 11 NV
Mon 4/29/2002 6:30p   SBC 0 at Stars Sound Bad Boys 24 NV
Mon 5/13/2002 6:30p   Stars Sound Bad Boys 15 at Silvardo Floors 10 NV
Mon 5/20/2002 7:35p   Stars Sound Bad Boys 1 at Club Oasis 0 NV
Mon 6/3/2002 8:40p   Stars Sound Bad Boys 30 at Stanko Bechtold 6 NV
Mon 6/10/2002 9:45p   Stars Sound Bad Boys 14 at Island Roots 15 NV
Mon 6/17/2002 9:45p   The Defectors 7 at Stars Sound Bad Boys 13 NV
Mon 6/24/2002 8:40p   Sportsman Barber 7 at Stars Sound Bad Boys 25 NV

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