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Texas Elite Baseball Association (TEBA)  >   Fall 2016 - 13U  >   Schedule

Schedule Filter

Date Time   Teams   Location
Sun 9/11/2016 12:00p   Keller Barons at HVA Storm - Goocher Unity Park Yellow
2:00p   Keller Barons at HVA Storm - Goocher Unity Park Yellow
Sun 9/18/2016 1:00p   HVA Storm - Goocher at Southlake Dragons - Findlay To Be Determined Bicentennial Park 5
3:00p   HVA Storm - Goocher at Southlake Dragons - Findlay To Be Determined Bicentennial Park 5
Sat 9/24/2016 12:00p   HVA Storm - Goocher at Southlake Dragons - Findlay
Bicentennial Park 5
2:00p   HVA Storm - Goocher at Southlake Dragons - Findlay
Bicentennial Park 5
Sun 9/25/2016 12:00p   Southlake Dragons - Findlay at HVA Storm - Goocher
Unity Park Yellow
2:00p   Southlake Dragons - Findlay at HVA Storm - Goocher
Unity Park Yellow
Sat 10/15/2016 12:00p   HVA Storm - Goocher at Keller Barons Keller Sports Complex 3
2:00p   HVA Storm - Goocher at Keller Barons Keller Sports Complex 3
Sun 10/16/2016 12:00p   Keller Aces 4 at HVA Storm - Goocher 2 Unity Park Yellow
2:00p   Keller Aces 8 at HVA Storm - Goocher 0 Unity Park Yellow

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Game Rescheduled  This game has been postponed
Makeup Game  This is a makeup game