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Texas Elite Baseball Association (TEBA)  >   2013 Fall - 10U Open  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Coppell Cowboys-Cooper 9 at Southlake Dragons - Simpson 9
Team Pages
Scheduled 9/21/2013 10:00a Coppell Cowboys-Cooper
Location Bicentennial Park 4 Southlake Dragons - Simpson
ReScheduled 9/22/2013 1:00p
ReSched Location Bicentennial Park 4
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The DH that is scheduled for September 21st between Coppell Cowboys Cooper and Southlake Dragons Simpson in the 10U Open division has been changed. The new date and times are September 22nd at 1:00 and 3:00 on Field 4 at Bicentennial. This was agreed upon by both teams and has been scheduled through Southlake.